Another ten

  1. Counseling went well today. I talked a lot about my anxieties around work and going back tomorrow.
  2. It rained but it was nice to see the lightning and hear the thunder.
  3. I can feel my energy and depression coming on stronger. My anxieties are increasing, but I'm thankful for the awareness of it. It helps in the fight. 
  4. Starting new meds tomorrow night. Hoping to get the right dosage soon.
  5. Probable trip to Aldi's and the dog food store tonight. For some reason I enjoy that kind of thing.
  6. Ran into an unexpected friend in the waiting room at counseling. Hopefully we can catch up more soon.
  7. My art room is clean and organized for the first time in forever. There is so much more room for activities! Hopefully I can organize the closet better soon. I'm thinking about installing shelves in there.
  8. I'm trying really really hard to stay positive about work tomorrow. 
  9. Dog has been really cute today
  10. Boyfriend is amazing and I love him.