Prologue, the "Ex Talk" pt 1

So last night was my beau’s birthday. We had a pretty good day together after I got home from work and we went to his parent’s house to have dinner. It was a good visit with his family and he and I had some awesome exchange on the way home and that evening.  It’s so strange how I worry about how certain conversations would go with him, and always to my surprise, we have a totally normal, rational, in-depth conversation with each other. I feel like after talking with him last night I know him so much better than I did before and I love him much more than before. We had the so-called dreaded “Ex Talk.” Where we were both talking about other relationships that we’d had, usually this conversation has been a big red flag in all my previous relationships where the other person questions my judgment or I magically appear as damaged goods to the one I’m seeing; or any other catastrophe imaginable. Much to my surprise everything went really well. He didn’t judge me and I didn’t judge him. It was a normal, adult, pleasant dialogue.  It was a very meaningful conversation and I feel like after the visit with his parents and the conversation that followed I know him much better than I did before.
 I also accidentally bonded with his step-dad. He’s really big into photographing bands at concerts so I have been trying to geek out about it with him, but he’s very stand-offish. Up until yesterday evening I could count on one hand the number of words we had exchanged in the three years the beau and I have lived together. It felt great to be able to connect with him, and by talking with him I understand my beau so much better than I had before. Just knowing what kind of person he is and how he had to grow up with his step-dad, his mom, his mom’s family and the drama with his bio dad. I feel like I’m part of his family, finally. It’s a great feeling. Even among my own family I feel judged and like I’m not living up to their standards, or that I don’t belong, but around the beau’s family, with as many issues as I do have with them, being judged or feeling like I don’t belong is NOT one of those feelings. Even though he says he’s not ready for marriage, I cannot wait to be a “Mrs.” and be a part of his family legally.  
In all my previous relationships the “Ex Talk” was always something to be avoided. I guess I avoided it with the beau for three years, but it honestly was never an issue I was curious about until the conversation started going last night. That was just one of many examples of my learning how to be treated like a proper person. I had all these anxieties about disclosing some of the abuse and bullshit I’ve been through over the years, but he reacted like a completely normal person and I feel like I’ve got him in my corner now. I know that he’ll be there and support me no matter what, and that no matter how much of “the crazies” I give him, he understands and just wants me to be as happy as I can be. I knew he loved me before, but I feel like this conversation solidified that for me. Every day he surprises me with his kindness and his spirit. I wish I could bottle that feeling for a rainy day.